Improving My Car

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Improving My Car

I have always been one of those people who is overly concerned about the way my vehicle looks, since it is often the first impression you give to someone else. I started focusing heavily on redoing the auto body work and paint of my vehicle, and before I knew it, things were really looking a lot better. I wanted to create a blog that focused on auto body work and paint jobs for cars so that other people could see the difference that it could make. Check out this website for great information on auto body work that could make your vehicle look a lot better.


Provide An Old Clunker With Minor Cosmetic Work Prior To Using Your Car As A Delivery Vehicle

2 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you purchased an old clunker that has small dings on its side panels and you plan to use your car as a delivery vehicle for the flower shop that you own, some minor cosmetic work will conceal the damage. Once you have completed steps to improve the automobile's exterior, secure a vinyl decal to each side of the car to promote your flower shop and announce your arrival when making deliveries. Read More …

3 Signs Your Brakes Need To Be Looked At

1 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Your brakes are one of the most important components on your vehicle. Without good brakes, you lose your ability to slow down and properly control your vehicle when you drive. Luckily, your vehicle will give you some warning signs before your brakes stop working. Just be sure that you are on the look-out for these signs: #1 Loud Squeaking Sound Your brakes are made out of multiple layers. The very last layer on most brakes is a metal layer. Read More …

3 Benefits Of Sandblasting For Paint Removal

25 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you are in the process of renovating your home or commercial property, you may want to get rid of old paint first. Of course, there are a few different methods for doing so, including using paint thinner or scraping the paint away by hand. Even though these methods can be effective, you may find that sandblasting is a better choice. These are a few reasons why: 1. Avoid Using Harsh Chemicals Read More …

3 Reasons To Invest In Auto Body Repairs

20 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Your vehicle is exposed to many dangers as you travel down the road each day. Flying rocks, collisions with other drivers, or stray tree branches all have the potential to cause damage to your vehicle. If you notice a small scratch or dent, you may be tempted to overlook this damage in an effort to save money. Unfortunately, this could end up being a costly decision. Here are three reasons why you should opt to invest in auto body repairs to keep your vehicle's exterior in pristine condition: Read More …